Sunday, November 18, 2012

Beta Rares Are Coming Out In Stores!?

Hey jammers! Today, I am here to talk to you about all these rares coming out! Yeah, I am kind of mad so I have slowly been taking my "rares" out of my den. I know some very rare rare item collectors that are losing the value of things that they have been waiting to trade! Just between you and me, I traded my headdress for two extremely rare items. Then, almost the very next day, one of the items came out in stores! (I also traded my bubbletron5000. :-( I was so mad!) Here are some of the rare items that have been coming out:
Can you believe all of these rares that are now or about a month ago avalible in stores!? I am so sorry all of you rare item collectors! All of your items must be losing a lot of demand and value.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Interveiw With iice

Interview With iice (username) Cutiebunny01: How long did it take to finish this den? Iice: It started the week before Christmas up till now. Cutiebunny01: Did you have to trade to get everything in this den? Iice: Yes, I have a worn and traded it for some. Cutiebunny01: What would you think if somebody copied this den exactly? Iice: Then people will know my sense of originals. Cutiebunny01: How did you think of this idea? Iice: Well its from a life story really. I fell into a lake and was trapped under ice until 911 rescued me. So I thought lets do a tribute.