Thursday, July 19, 2012

          Plushie Store
  Jammers from all over are turning their dens into plushie stores! Most jammers are doing it to get rares, to get cool items, to meet new jammers, and just for the fun of it! Just remember though, if you are going to do a plushie store, they always have plushies in them and some have toys too! Now, you can make your own plushie store today! Have fun! Keep Jamming!
                              EPIC Dens!
  To be an epic den, you first need to be a member with lots of jammers that like your den! If you are not a member, don't worry! There will always be buddy's that like your den or you yourself can pretend like your den is an epic den! Some awesome epic dens that you can go to are: pizzadrop, uc, sp001, madjaster, rose170303, baileybb, thunderboltwolfeh, thisisliveaction, warriorcatme, jordycat0915, popstar151, and katla26350.
      Save The Earth!
  FuzzyTiny Belly (beaniebinks) was in The Jamaa Township and at the same time, there was a lot of people that were green. She asked what was going on. People were trying to save the Earth! So she turned her Colors green too. She wanted to help animals. She was telling people about how you can donate gems to endangered animal in the animal museum. A lot of people went to donate! Along the way, she met b877 in the animal museum. Now they work together to make a difference! You can too! Donate gems in the animal museum in Appondale!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Teller of the Jungle Monthly! Editor: cutiebunny01 (Fuzzy Tinypaw) and avabug01 (Happy Berryrose)

Penguins For All!
Penguins are now out in Jamaa for all players, not just members! Now all the penguins have to do is find some
winter clothes, buy some hot chocolate, and relax in the
Hot Springs in Mount Shiver with their new penguin!

Journey Book!
Crystal Sands now has a Journey Book! The prize is an
awesome lemonade stand! So just head over to Crystal Sands
and check it out!

Rare Item Monday!
Don’t forget, every Monday, there is one super rare item for
sale in Jamaa! That item is for sale ONLY that day of the whole
 year! So pick up your rare items on Monday before it's too late! Past Rare items: Rare Freedom Mask, Rare Heart Locket.

  Hummingbirds! LIMITED!

New in the AJ Outfitters! You can buy a humming bird pet and
get a 1 month membership! You have to hurry because they are
for limited time only! Hurry while supply of codes last!

AJ Outfitters

In the AJ Outfitters online store, you can buy all kinds of things like T-shirts, memberships, gems, hummingbirds, and so much more! Just go to to start looking at all the cool things!

                                             Nonmember Protest!
Nonmembers and members are starting to agree with each other that nonmembers need to have more freedoms! Some people are saying that nonmembers should be able to have atleast two pets! Others are saying they should have cooler dens. What will AJHQ think of this mess?

Thank You For Reading!
I hope you enjoyed my first issue of Teller Of The Jungle! I actually enjoyed writing it and reading it myself!

                                           Special Thanks to:

       avabug01                                                       tigerdude04

  frances03821                                                      hannah281281